Post >> Your Bucket List
Dear all, today you'll write about your Bucket List: Please include: - Which activities would you include in your Bucket List? - Is any of them particularly difficult to achieve? why? - Have you already done some of them? - Who would you like to share these activities with? why? - Mention anything else you consider important. Word-count: 200 Write 3 comments in your classmates posts I have to admit that I created something similar to a bucket list about six years ago. I guess that after my mom's illness I understood that we can't be sure we will have good health forever and moreover, your life can drastically change at any time. In that sense I started setting annual goals, like giving my parents the trip they always dreamed of, and the next year I traveled broad with my best friend, after that I decided to study again doing a master course. And in that way I've been doing some of the things I always wanted because I realized I can't postpone them. Of course there ...